
Here are some selected pieces I've published over the years. Use the search bar to explore different themes by filtering tags.

Teochews - Chinois de Chaozhou

Depuis leur terre d'origine dans la région de Chaoshan jusqu'à leur présence en France, découvrez l’histoire migratoire et l’héritage culturel des Teochews, l’une des plus importantes communautés chinoises de France.L’origine des TeochewsLes Teochews sont un groupe ethnique chinois originaire de la région de Chaoshan (潮山), à l'est de la province du Guangdong en Chine. Autrefois, ce territoire était la préfecture de Teochew, autrement dit Cháozhōu (潮州) en mandarin.  Il convient de noter que la pr...

Ensemble d'articles retraçant l'histoire de la diaspora chinoise en France

La France accueille actuellement la plus grande population de la diaspora chinoise au sein de l'Union Européenne, avec des estimations comprises entre 300 000 et 500 000 immigrants (Du et al. 2021, p.21). Malgré cette présence considérable dans le paysage français, l’histoire des vagues de migrations chinoises en France qui remonterait jusqu’à la fin du XIXe siècle reste pourtant encore mal connue du grand public, évidencée par le manque de recherches et récits accessibles traitant de ce sujet spécifique.

Amsterdam's Artsy Cafés

Discover a diverse array of Amsterdam's captivating cafés seamlessly blending art, culture, and culinary delights. From the international allure of a modern art gallery with its own daily dining space to a carefully curated gallery showcasing fair trade coffee alongside compelling exhibitions, and a creative hub offering ever-changing culinary creations, these cafés transcend traditional expectations.

Emphasizing its international program, thi

US Gen Zers and AI: What brands need to consider | WARC

This article is part of the October 2023 Spotlight US series, ‘Working with Generative AI in America’. Read moreTransitioning from the millennial era, characterized by a pursuit of minimalism and hyper-curated perfection, we now find ourselves in the vibrant realm of Generation Z.This generation embraces imperfection, (co)creativity, values authenticity, constantly seeks innovation, and explores alternative perspectives as it navigates the world. Gen Z, made up of the artistic trailblazers of ou...

REVIEW: Avishai Cohen and Abraham Rodriguez Jr., 'Iroko'

Iroko is a hardwood tree that grows in the tropics of Africa. According to the belief of the Yoruba people (who come from southwestern Nigeria and adjacent areas of Benin and Togo), the Iroko tree is inhabited by a spirit known as the Iroko-man. The spirit is said to cause the insanity and death of those who dare confront it. It is believed that those who try to chop down the Iroko will suffer severe misfortune unless they offer a prayer for protection afterward.

On May 5, Israel-based bassist-

Sumaroo on New EP 'Piggyback' and Small Room Storytelling

Singer-songwriter Sumaroo unveiled his latest EP Piggyback this March 24, after years spent searching for a self-identifying sound. This journey has helped hatch a cozy, indie-folk/pop bundle of songs that are set to gently ease us into springtime. The Mauritian-Canadian artist’s songs exude serenity and comfort starting with the title track “Piggyback” which foregrounds the beauty of promises in a romantic relationship and finishing with “Your Nose Is Fine”, an appreciation of one’s inner beaut

REVIEW: RAYE, 'My 21st Century Blues'

Raye’s debut album My 21st Century Blues was a refreshing reminder of what it feels like to listen to a newly released project from start to finish that leaves you wanting more. After the promising lead single “Escapism.” featuring 070 Shake — which has steadily ramped up the chart since its release in October — My 21st Century Blues followed suit in a series of tracks that thematically variegate yet stay sonically cohesive. Raye’s sultry and full voice is in and of itself an auditory treat, and

L'AJCF fête ses 13 ans!

L’AJCF fête ses 13 ans cette année! Nous avons célébré le cap autour d’un dîner ce lundi 27 juin. La cérémonie a eu pour but de remercier les nombreux représentants de la diaspora pour leur soutien durant ces années. L’évènement a commencé avec une présentation de l’association et des projets entamés depuis sa création en 2009 tels que les interventions scolaires, le lancement de notre média, AJCF Networking, le festival Asian Street Food, et le projet Diaspora. Nous avons aussi donné un aperçu


Alors au lieu de l’attendre, on a décidé de le créer, le premier ASIAN STREET FOOD FESTIVAL à Paris. Où nous pourrons célébrer et déguster ensemble les cuisines et cultures venues d’Asie.

On se retrouve le dimanche 12 Juin, dans un lieu emblématique qui invite à se rassembler, se rencontrer et partager un moment convivial niché en plein cœur de la nature, et de la spiritualité : La Grande Pagode de Vincennes.

Pour cette occasion si spéciale, Dara @sabaydara organisateur d’événements et de fest

"L'année du tigre sous le signe de la créativité": l'AJCF et Banhmi Podcast fêtent la nouvelle année lunaire à la Mairie du 13ème

Nous avons entamé notre première table ronde autour de 15:30 avec Anne, Diana, Melody, et Charlène, qui puisent leurs inspirations créatives dans leurs identités asiatiques. Elles ont abordé des thèmes tels que l’acceptation de leur double-identité, les réactions de leur entourage face à leur poursuite d’un chemin artistique parfois difficilement accepté dans les familles asiatiques, et bien sûr comment leurs vécus se reflètent dans leurs médiums respectifs: l’illustration, la céramique, et la c

The Secrecy of Celebrity Icons

It’s undeniable: we love being kept on our toes, and we love gossip. The harder something is to find out, the more we want to elucidate it; being aware of the very presence of secrets is enough to spark our interest. So it comes as no surprise that celebrity gossip is a booming industry that generates more than $3 billion in the United States every year. What’s more, social media has offered up a place where celebrities have the power to mystify themselves, even as a means of creating more tract

H6, l'hôpital du peuple au mk2 Bibliothèque

Nous avons eu le plaisir d’assister ce mardi 11 janvier à l’avant-première du film H6: l'hôpital du peuple de Ye Ye, en collaboration avec Nour Films, France China Foundation, et mk2. Le documentaire a été sélectionné officiellement au Festival de Cannes 2021 et explore le cadre public de l’hôpital numéro 6 à Shanghai à travers cinq patients de tout âge et leur familles. La plupart d’entre eux viennent d’autres régions de Chine dans l’espoir de se faire soigner, n’ayant pour autant la garantie q

‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’: a Timeless Tableau of a Love Precluded by Patriarchy

‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’: a Timeless Tableau of a Love Precluded by Patriarchy

I got my heart broken last night, at around half past eleven. In the span of two hours and with my eyes glued to Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), the ticker behind my ribs felt the love and woe that take a lifetime to mend from. I can’t say that I hadn’t been warned: I had heard great things about the French film since its release. I had heard about the worldwide praise it had received on- and off-line, its fem

Pour Noël 2021, l’AJCF a organisé son tout premier séminaire

Un planning des activités et des équipes par thématique furent constitués. Des équipes pour la décoration, la cuisine, le nettoyage, les courses et l’animation étaient présentes et ont tous fait un travail incroyable.

Ces objectifs furent plus que bien remplis. Ils nous ont permis de nous donner une belle energie pour continuer nos projets tout en nous disant que ce format de séminaire serait à garder et à refaire, sur une échelle peut-être plus grande ouverte au grand public (bien évidemmen

ROSIE Talks Debut EP, Mental Health Awareness and Quarantine Songwriting — Sunstroke Magazine

You may have seen her on your TikTok for you page, singing excerpts from her catchy songs on love and anxieties. Having just released her debut EP, 20mg of Happiness, singer-songwriter ROSIE is part of a larger, booming wave of young musicians we see on social media. Her Instagram bio proudly says, “No filters, no Facetune, no VSCO, no makeup, 100% real content!” In a way, so does her music. With her gentle voice and emphasis on bluntly expressing her emotions through lyrics, the 21-year-old has

The Language Gaps in Non-Binary Acceptance and Representation

Although non-binary identities have existed for centuries, their legitimacy is still contested around the world. This misapprehension runs especially deep in countries whose languages lend themselves to the gender binary. In languages where gender-neutral “they” pronouns do not traditionally exist, for example, non-binary individuals struggle to semantically self-identity. Such is the case in many Latin-rooted languages, where singular and plural pronouns are always gendered: it is often argued

Gatlin On New EP 'To Remind Me of Home' and Quarantine Songwriting — Sunstroke Magazine

Irène Schrader: The songs in To Remind Me of Home are all connected to relatively recent introspections of yours. What would you say were the biggest lessons you learned in the last year and a half?

Gaitlin: I definitely learned a lot about myself through the pandemic and the making of this project. I don’t really know if I learned many lessons as much as just learned more and more who I am and being able to recognize my emotions and how to work through them.

IS: How did the pandemic affect yo

Reviving my love for anime during a pandemic —

I’ll never forget the first time I stepped into the comic book store near my house in the sixth grade. The little shop was too full of book piles and shelves to evenly promote each masterpiece it held, making it a goldmine of underrated treasures. I didn’t go to a school where mangas were especially popular, so walking in, I had no preconceived idea of what was “cool” to read and what I wanted to pick out. As my eyes randomly scoured through an array of cartoon universes, they decided to settle

Meet ‘Word of Mouth,’ the Online Beauty Review Site for and by Real People —

The world of makeup and skincare is as vast as it is tricky. Learning about the different routines, ingredients and techniques that work is a subjective journey that feels confusing and even lonely at times. Truth be told, most of us don’t have the time to conduct in-depth research on products and companies’ ethical practices.

That’s where Word of Mouth (WoM) comes in. The organization is the passion project of four University of Pennsylvania students who aim to help make the field of beauty mo

Ginesse Talks First EP 'Somewhere To Die,' Broadway Influences and Releasing Music During The Pandemic —

Los Angeles-based actress and singer-songwriter Cait Fairbanks, who performs under the name Ginesse, is hardly making her first steps in the music world. The 27 year-old artist was previously nominated for an Emmy for her performance in The Young and the Restless, and incarnated the role of Veronica in the off-Broadway show, Heathers: The Musical.

Released this past November, Ginesse’s indie-pop EP Somewhere To Die is composed of five songs that describe the different stages of her 20’s. The ly
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